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How much are AR11's worth?


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Compared to what I have seen listed on Ebay lately as "mint" or "pristine" I have mint and pristine AR11's. Purchased by my Uncle new in 78, they truely are in extremely good condition. He lived alone, was never married, had no kids, and did not smoke, they sat in the same place in his home, rarely used, for 33 years! I refoamed them, otherwise original, and in perfect working order. Logo's, grills, its all there. What are they worth?

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nothing, but as a service you you, I'll take 'em off your hands, I'll even toss in $20 and a case of your favorite beer.....

seriously, in pristine condition with intact foam grilles, I'd pay $350-400.

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I'm in Spokane, Wa. 99037. I was also considering trying to find suitable material to replace the foam that was around the outside of the woofer covering the mounting bolts and metal basket frame before trying to list them anywhere, I was told it is no longer available, and is totally cosmetic.

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Back to the original question, what are these speakers worth?

They are worth whatever somebody is willing to pay for them. Like classic cars the value is what somebody is willing to buy them for.

Now, you can help raise the value by including more information about their history, more photos, more details, etc.

An ad like this: AR-11 Speakers for sale. Will not get you as much money as

AR-11 Speakers for sale, they were bought new in XXX by my XXXX, here are some photos of them.

In your original post you did a good job describing them, just do that with everyplace you list them.

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