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AR3a New Capacitors.

Sookwang Cho

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I have later AR3a speakers and started restoring and I'd like to replace with new capacitors.

Is there any way to buy new one?

Also I found that 50MF capacitors are different model each speaker, seems one speaker have been restored by someone but he didn't changed two speakers together. In this case what can be happen?


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Welcome to the CSP!

If you are restoring the 3a, be sure to download this excellent resource:


If you are asking whether it is possible to buy new capacitors, the answer is "yes." These online stores sell them:




If that did not answer the question, please rephrase your question


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Shacky, I was tired I guess when I posted previous. I meant to say that my big caps 150 uf checked out fine....within 15% of their orginal spec. but it was recommended that they also be changed. I think you said that one of your pairs sounded better with the original 150 uf. Can you say more? Thanks..

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I don't know if this was main reason my second pair sound better or not. I did a couple things different including bypassing mid and tweeter caps with PIO 0.047 uF, updating binding posts, and in general had more experience from first pair. But I did leave these large can caps in place. Ask anyone who heard them at last year's AK get together in Rochester, NY.


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