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Hello Everyone,

I do own a pair of AR33BX speakers since the early 80's but I found no trace of it in the list.

In any case the problem I have is massive foam deterioration on both woofers.

The woofers model number is: 1210074-08 L61TNB (this is all that is printed on it), it is a 10" frame diametre, but I am not sure how a woofer diametre is measured, so I will add that the cone itself is 7.5" in diametre.

I placed a call to AB Tech Service and they could mail me a brand new set of speakers for a reasonable price, however I just read on some other web site that the original speakers are bound to be much better in quality than any new replacement I could buy today and that, therefore I should consider the purchase of a re-edge kit repair as proper solution.

I am sure many of you have faced this little dilemma and I could certainly use your input.

Further to that, I have taken very good care of these speakers over the years and beside the foam deterioration I cannot see any other problems with it.

Does any of you have any suggestions or recommendation for me?

I am not sure if it could interest anyone, but I could send pictures and information about these speakers for the site database.

Thank you very much in advance.


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Welcome to CSP Sandro!

The good news is you don't need new woofers--just new foam. Here is a web site that gives step-by-step instructions. They also sell the refoam kits and any of us who have tried them have been well satisfied


Follow the numbers at the bottom of the page. There's lots of information: How to measure, what dustcaps to use, how and why to shim, a link to his ebay store, and the aforementioned step-by-step directions. You may not even have to measure--if you send John at MSound an email he may be able to advise you on which foam kit to use for your 33BXs. His kits are very complete, so if you are fairly handy, with a steady hand and good patience you can do it yourself and have the bragging rights to boot.

If you don't want to undertake the project yourself, you have the option of having someone do it. CSP member Minh has listed his services in the For Sale/Wanted section. CSP member Carl does refoaming as well. Or google Millersound for Bill LeGall in PA. Any of these guys can repair your woofers at less than the cost of new and you will still have your original AR quality speaker drivers.

Good luck.


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any 10" AR refoam kit should work, IIRC foams for a 10" JBL or 10" Boston Acoustics are the best "fit", as they are very thin and keep the Fs near their original point.

also, while the woofer is out for refoaming, I'd suggest noting the values of the capacitors in the crossover and replace them with new poly film caps of the same uF value.

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Thank you very much for the advice.

I understand now that repairing the original speakers is the way to go.

I think I rather looking for a PRO before deciding to do it myself, any idea if there are any in the Toronto (Canada) area?

Meanwhile I will check the site you sent me and look for the AR or Boston Acustic Kits.



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