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Speaker identification

Guest hugemc

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Guest hugemc

Hi all,

I'm new here and have a question on some speakers I was given a year or so ago. They are AR and on the back the model is II π ( pie symbol). I've searched high and low looking to identify precisely what they are, however all to no avail. I would really like to know something more about them. At first they sounded ok and I just put them to one side, however recently I connected them to an old Sansui Receiver I have and lo and behold after a few hours they really came to life. I have lots of speakers, but there's something about the sound from these fellas that really hits the spot for me.

I'm hoping someone on here may be able to help with this.

Many thanks


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Guest hugemc

Looks like a job for a camera...

Having submitted the topic, I sat here thinking what else should I have said regarding details of the speakers. What sprung to mind was, pictures of back, front and model numbers from both woofer and tweeter. As the saying goes "hindsight is crystal clear".

Shall take and post some pictures tomorrow.



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Guest hugemc

I took a few mins to take some photos and also gather some further information on the speakers. Unfortunately the photos did not come out well at all, had to use friends camera as unable to locate my own.

While I had the speakers out noted some numbers on the back...

The woofer has AR 1210637 – 2a, and L11 TNB. While the Tweeter has AR1210638-0B, and 513 TNJ. And finally the serial no’s on the speakers are 30499 and 30500. I hope this throws some light on what they are.

I look forward to hearing your comments.







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I took a few mins to take some photos and also gather some further information on the speakers.

The woofer has AR 1210637 – 2a, and L11 TNB. While the Tweeter has AR1210638-0B, and 513 TNJ.

AR 1210037- is an 8-inch woofer, many variants after the dash. "411TNB" means 1994, 11th week, T= Tonegen (manufacturer) N = Nippon B = factory whose code I don't have.

AR 1210038- is a 1-1/4" high range, many variants after dash. "513TNJ" translates as 1995, 13th week, Tonegen, Nippon, factory "J"

These are a more recent AR speaker--made in 1995 or 1996--about which many folk on this site do not gather a lot of information. The AR Chronology of speakers that most of us have ends at 1993. I don't see any speakers on that list made after 1990 that have an 8 and a 1.25. Someone here may well recognize it!



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