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AR 3a Restoration


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Well thanks to Carl, my AR 3a are back up to snuff :D

As posted I goofed and scraped off the spacer ring for the surrounds thinking it would be easy to find replacement. And although there probably wasn't a lot of risk leaving surrounds glued directly to the baskets it just wasn't in my religion to have any chance improper VC position would effect performance or damage these classic beauties.

So Carl crafted new spacer rings and did an absolutely beautiful job on my surrounds. :)

In their absence been listening to my beloved 2AX's so I was looking forward to the comparison. Now surrounds may still need to break in but right away bass, midrange, inner detail, ... I could go on and on. The 3a woofers are just amazing. And that dome midrange is superb.

Listening to Pat Metheny Group Imaginary Day which I am re-discovering. I can clearly hear nuances on Pat's strings. And it's definitely not a volume thing as I need to keep volume down in order to not shake the house - BTW I like loudness on and it's borderline overkill with the 3a's.

Driving them with Sui 9090DB I picked up since obtaining the 3a's. Great matchup. The 9090DB has more clarity compared to my 890DB. Likely the tone defeat.

So thank you Carl. You did a wonderful job on thse woofers :)

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