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Unusual AR-5 Cabinet

Guest elberon

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Guest elberon


Have any of you seen an AR-5 cabinet like this before? The drivers look right but the outside front edge is much different than the ones I own. The baffle board looks like a different material also. What do you think?


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Have any of you seen an AR-5 cabinet like this before? The drivers look right but the outside front edge is much different than the ones I own. The baffle board looks like a different material also. What do you think?

The pictures are of a European-style AR-5, built in either AR's Holland or England facility. European tastes were very different, and the classic US-style cabinet was not considered viable. The components were built in Norwood, Massachusetts, and shipped to Europe for assembly there.

--Tom Tyson

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Guest elberon

Thanks for your response. Would you consider this version a sonic match for a US made version of the same time period with the same woofer, tweet, and midrange? I have a US AR-5 orphan with what appear to be the identical drivers and off-line arrangement of the tweet and mid. Thanks!

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