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Allison 3s vs. 4s


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I own a pair of Allison 4s and have heard the A1 many times. Even though I have never heard them, I am intrigued by the Allison 3s. It seems like it is a whole different animal because of its corner placement (As I understand it, it avoids the Allison effect rather than uses it like the 1s do). For those that have heard the 3s as well as either the 1s or the 4s, how would you describe the difference in sound? Any idea what a decent pair runs? I far as I can tell, they don't seem to be available as much on the used market; have you found this to be true?

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I own a pair of Allison 4s and have heard the A1 many times. Even though I have never heard them, I am intrigued by the Allison 3s. It seems like it is a whole different animal because of its corner placement (As I understand it, it avoids the Allison effect rather than uses it like the 1s do). For those that have heard the 3s as well as either the 1s or the 4s, how would you describe the difference in sound? Any idea what a decent pair runs? I far as I can tell, they don't seem to be available as much on the used market; have you found this to be true?

In case you haven't seen, a pair of threes showed up on Ebay today, if you're close to Toronto, Ontario, Canada they may be a good deal? $280.00 USD? Ebay # 290181672191 They're listed as pick up only.

You're correct, not too many threes show up, a lot of Ones, Fours, Sixes seem to come up regularly. As do Al-105s and Al-115s Some of the other models seem to appear in cycles, ie; I didn't see a Al-130 for four years, then several pairs popped up in a short time? Sometimes I think people see a pair go for a relatively good price, and try for the same.



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Thanks, I saw those. I'm not that close but I do have friends in Buffalo. Now if I could talk one of them into driving to Toronto...

I think Toronto's a great place, a real cosmopolitan city, by the way. If you look at the picture of those speakers, the right one's midrange seems to be dimpled. I ask the seller about it and he said it was only the dust cap and nothing to worry about. I looked at the picture again and it does look like a dust cap. Is he right?

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Wow, someone did the BIN quick, more will come along. A lot of times, stuff in Canada with pick-up only, doesn’t sell fast. I’d like to see Toronto sometime, heard a lot of nice things about the city!

Those dimples, (I saw them on my LCD monitor today, but not my CRT monitor yesterday, funny how different monitors show different details!) should be able to be popped back out. Yes, it could be considered a dust cap, but it’s also the convex diaphragm.


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