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LWE - Acoustron


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I have a set of LWE I's since new in 1971. Inventor was a Mr. L.W. Erath, and the company name seemed to be Acoustron. I was never really able to make the clip kit work, as I bought the kit for the Southwest Technical "Tiger" power amp a friend built (60 real watts/channel). The power amp was good and solid, but my friend hubristicly also built the SW TEchnical preamp for me. It was a disaster: the one time I tried the pream (around 1973) it blew out a woofer and the power amp. Fortunately in Washington DC there was a dealer who replaced the woofer and they live to this day, without feedback circuit. The power amp never recovered despite a surgeon's valiant attempts. I could never really tell the difference anyway with or withouy the clip kit.


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