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Abstract of Cizek's 1980 Patent


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U.S. Patent No. 4,198,540, 04/15/1980 [DjVu93KB]

Compensated crossover network

Cizek, Fred R. (assignee Cizek Audio Systems, Inc.)

Abstract: The signal from the crossover network of an audio output circuit is applied to certain of the audio system's low, middle and high frequency speakers through particular compensation circuits that are associated with the crossover network and the speaker driver coils. These compensation networks include: a resistor-inductor-capacitor sequence of selected values connected across the terminals of a high frequency or other driver whose resonant impedance peak must be compensated to a resistive impedance for optimum crossover; a resistor-capacitor sequence of selected values connected across the terminals of a low frequency or other driver whose inductance must be compensated to a resistive impedance for optimum crossover; and a variable inductor connected in series with one or more of the terminals of any driver where a "roll off" at higher frequency may be desired. The result is more faithful audio reproduction.

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