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posting old reveiws


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If you go to your local library, you might find reviews and ratings in Consumer Review from the late 80s and early 90s. I found these in my local library. They were consistently ranked at the top in these articles. Also, Stereophile did a review of the CD9. You'll have to go to the Web Site and look under archives. They don't post the review, but they do list in which issue the article appeared and you can order back issues.

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Nope. Lawyers won't allow it without (large) payment. I don't make anything from running this website, and have actually been paying $20/mo for the last few years to keep it online.

All of the major magazines from the past were purchased in one way or another by current publishing companies.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks to Howard Ferstler for this index of Allison reviews! I organized them quickly by series. If you know of additional reviews not listed here, please let me know!

ESW. Stereo Review. October, 1979

ESW. High Fidelity. October, 1979

Allison One. Stereo Review. November, 1975

Allison One. High Fidelity. October, 1975

Allison One. Audio. April, 1976

Allison One. Fanfare, Nov/Dec, 1984

Allison One. BAS Speaker. July, 1975

Allison One and Three. Stereo. Spring, 1977

Allison Four. Stereo Review. June, 1978

Allison Four. Stereo. Spring, 1978

Allison Four. Consumer Reports. September, 1981

Allison Five. Hi-Fi Stereo Buyer's Guide, Sept., 1980

Allison Six. Stereo Review. June, 1981

Allison Six. La Nouvelle Rev. du Son (France). Nov, 1979

Allison Six. Stereoplay 72 (Italy). Anno VIII

Allison Six. Consumer Reports. May, 1982

Allison Seven. Stereo Review. January, 1983

Allison Nine. High Fidelity. March 1983

CD-6. High Fidelity. November, 1985

CD-6. Consumer Reports. September, 1988

CD-6. Hi-Fi Choice (England). June, 1989

CD-7. Consumer Reports. October, 1986

CD-6. Hi-Fi News & Record Review (England). Nov, 1989

CD-8. Stereo Review. May, 1985

CD-9. Hi-Fi News & Record Review (Eng). April, 1990

CD-9. Stereophile (J.G. Holt). October, 1985

AL-110 and AL-105. Consumer Reports. March, 1990

AL-115. Stereo Review. March, 1994. (Kentucky model)

AL-115. Consumer Reports. March, 1991

AL-120. Stereo Review. September, 1989

AL-120. Consumer Reports. October, 1990

AL-125. CD Review. September, 1989

AL-130. Speaker Builder. February, 1992

AL-130. Audio Ideas Guide (Canada). Winter, 1990

LC-110. Stereo Review. November, 1986

LC-120 and Allison Six. Consumer Reports. May, 1984

IC-20. High Fidelity. December, 1987

IC-20. Stereo Review. May, 1988

MS-205. Hi-Fi Choice (England), March, 1992

MS-200. Hi-Fi Choice (England). May, 1992

RDL F-1 and FS-1. Stereo Review. February, 1994

RA Labs Micro Monitor and Sub. Stereo Review, Nov, 1995

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