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KLH Model 14


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I've seen two versions of the model 14......one is just like the model 15 & 19, Dimentions- 14"x8"x8"....the other is a larger flatter cabinet for wall mounting. All these types have two of the 3 1/2" drivers (model 8 & 21 radios) and all are vented cabinets and are the only KLH models that were vented (you should be able to see the 2" vent hole on the grill). They should be from the 1964-68 era with solid walnut trim around the grill cloth and 1/8" thick veneer for the rest of the cabinet, I think they are nice speakers with great sound, but you won't get the bass response you would get from a model 24 with a 8" woofer. My model 19's are dated 1965 - A neat speaker from the heyday of KLH!

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George, You might be right about the model 33 being vented, I'm not familiar with that one. I did have a pair of 32's and it was sealed, 8" woofer, 19" tall cabinet. Now that I think of it, the model 10 might have been vented, circa 1961, was about the size of the #24,26, 32 and looked like it had three drivers or two with a vent ? ? I've only seen a photo of this one and it must be pretty scarce!

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While we're at it, here is the brick shaped one, labeled Model '14B'. A single orphan that no one wanted so I bought it for $4.99 (ebay # 5721793273). Interestingly, the have the dimentions of the model 6 reduced by about 1/3.....8"x8"x14" and they do look like a mini model 6.

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