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HELP!- I am a speaker idiot but I love music!

I have a pair of AR studio monitor floor speakers tsw 610 series

EF 02861. The base woofer and midrange are not working (the foam has come off around the edges and they sound awfull)My question is 1) is it worth rebuiding these speakers versus buying a smaller (new technology) speaker that will take up less room 2) If I replace the woofer and the midrange will they sound like new or will I ned to replace any of the electronics inside 3) What are the cabinets made of - they are so heavy.

Any help would be appreciated


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You can only appreciate the true performance of your AR speakers with the foam replaced. AR speakers can work correctly only when the cabinet is completely air tight. With a rotted foam, the seal is broken and all the parameters of the woofer (as well as the midrange driver) are changed.

I think most modern small speakers cannot produce bass as deeply and clean as vintage ARs

Best Wishes,


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  • 5 months later...

I've had the surrounds disintegrate on my Ar2ax's and my Infinitis .........my audio repair shop tells me that the surrounds DO NOT LAST FOREVER- he recommended replacing them every 10 years. The elasticity degrades, even if they're not blown. Spend the money, if you trust your service depot. (I'm not technically savvy on this, but my experience bears out his advice)

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