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AR-2Ax: around what serial do they switch fron cloth to foam?

Guest gregounours

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Guest gregounours


I have a pair of Ar-2Ax with serial in the 233,000. I just refoamed/recaped them and am happy with them. Curiously the pots were fine (I didnt open them but they consistently tested between 0 and 14 ohms).

Any way a pair with the grill still staples is for sale with serial in the 210,000. Is there a way of knowing if they are cloth or foam? I would say foam since it is a pretty high serial but am curious to know if somebody has an idea of when the swithch was made.


PS: A lot of activity surrounding Ar-2Ax lately

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As usual, Brad's 2ax info is right on the mark. S/N change occurred around the 125,000 mark.

An easy visual indicator of 'old' vs. 'new' 2ax is the logo. The old 2ax has the square AR Inc logo in one corner with a brass 'a' in the other corner; the new 2ax has the later-styled rectangular brass logo with red-embossed "AR-2ax" lettering.

Steve F.

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To add to Steve's comments, the very last badges, although identical in every other way, were not engraved. The earlier badge on the right side of the attached photo is much nicer. The left one was the end of the line.



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>To add to Steve's comments, the very last badges, although

>identical in every other way, were not engraved. The earlier

>badge on the right side of the attached photo is much nicer.

>The left one was the end of the line.



NO argument there Roy. The one on the right can be polished with Brasso without destroying the writing.

The one on the left cannot be polished. You'll wear away the black ink in the process.

Been there - done that..........

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