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A little help on AR-9LS


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I was just given a pair of AR-9LS speakers and have a few questions. Where do these stand in the spectrum of audio quality, when was this model discontinued and approximate value? I have read on these posts about having cones refoamed. Where would one look for this service and what should I look for to determine the refoamers worth/skill.

Thanks for any help.

BTW: I hooked them up to my stereo last night and they sound fantastic!

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Guest Nigel

Hi Matt;

The AR9LS replaced the AR9 as the top of the line in the mid to late '80s. To some, they signalled the beginning of the decline of AR. They retailed for $900 each.

Layne Audio is a source for AR parts and repair:


DECWARE High Fidelity Engineering Co is a source for repair and rebuilding:



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