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Who Designed the Acoustic Research AR-3a?


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Who designed the AR-3a, Chuck McShane or Roy Allison? To help answer this question I contacted Roy Allison and Ed Villchur, and I quote their responses below:

Roy Allison on the AR-3a:

“Chuck was given a clear set of design paths to follow in development of the 3a. After that it was a collaboration, with procedures and results discussed almost every day. Chuck’s OEM design experience was invaluable. His knowledge of sources and available materials shortened the development process substantially.”

Ed Villchur on the AR-3a:

“Although I had left when the AR-3a came out, I believe Roy' description of McShane's work on the AR-3a is totally accurate. While different people contributed to production design at AR, Roy was ultimately responsible for production design, and I don't think I ever disagreed with his design ideas.”

--Tom Tyson

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