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musty speaker smell

Guest spgjmf

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Guest spgjmf

I have my ar-7 working, but I get a musty smell

from them when they are playing.

I have replaced the old stuffing with pink fiberglass, so

I guess its in the wood.

anyone have ideas on getting ride of the smell?

bleach, pinesol, spray lysol or maybe paint the inside with

some sealer?

impressive little speakers, very clear top which I like, but not a modern sounding topend, a more musical top...



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Only while playing? Odd.....the speakers are sealed, so maybe the musty smell is ON the speaker cone, or--more likely--in the grille cloth. Maybe try pulling the grilles off and give them a spray with Febreze? Just a thought. Hope you don't have a fungus in/on your driver. I don't think you would be smelling something from IN the box. Did it all smell OK when you pulled the stuffing out and replaced it?

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Guest linedrive

Sounds like mildew, Jeff, and unless the cabinets are water-damaged, it's most likely coming from your grill cloth. Once cloth has that mildew smell, you'll never be completely rid of it.

If the cabinets actually stink, you could try moistening a soft rag with a dilute solution of Lysol, wiping on & off quickly, to avoid raising the wood grain. Follow-up with a liberal, well-rubbed application of lemon oil.

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Guest spgjmf

the cloth grillis new. I put new linen fabic on. looks good too...if I might say so. plus one still had the AR-7 brass logo.

Maybe it is the cones. I could spray those, right?

I read how someone spray painted their cones lightly with flat black spray paint. I think thay might affect the sound.

The old stuffing did not smell all that much, so it must be the cones.



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I would first try to figure out what caused the oder. If the speaker had been in a damp basement, I would air it out and expose them to sunlight, this should help...also there are powdered solutions similar to baking soda which absorb smells, check at a hardware store. I would avoid using a liqiud oder remover since liquids tend to reactivate the cause of the smell. If your speakers were unlucky enough to be sprayed by a cat marking it's terirory as my KLH model 23's were, you're going to have a hard time getting rid of the oder, and in fact may never get rid of it (crazy cat)! It's also amazing how much damage cigarette smoke can do to a speaker...nothing like that 30 year old tobacco smell! Other members may have some solutions, good luck.

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