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Everything posted by tommost

  1. It's been 2 months, apparently no one needs it, out it goes.
  2. I got mine from ebay at https://www.ebay.com/itm/195482258622?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=uNHFYL1aRT6&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=xRmGi2yORIG&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY It's much whiter than the old cloth but I think it looks good. I considered dyeing it with tea but I was concerned that it had a synthetic fiber that wouldn't take the dye evenly.
  3. Mine didn't have plastic when I got them although they may have when they were new. They were all corroded, I cleaned them with red Scotchbrite which worked fine. The red lettering was recessed into brass and was unaffected. I sprayed a light coat of clear paint to keep them from corroding again.
  4. I just bought the cloth evibeman sells on ebay at https://www.ebay.com/itm/195482258622?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=uNHFYL1aRT6&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=xRmGi2yORIG&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY It's much whiter than the original AR cloth, you would definitely have to do both speakers, but it looks good when installed.
  5. I just replaced mine, I was going to toss the old stuff out because it's dirty and has a couple of tears in it. However you *might* be able to clean it up and use part of it to repair a hole in another cloth. It's a bit crispy so no charge & therefore no guarantees. If you're interested just send me a personal message and I'll send it to you. PS I tried to attach a photo but I'm getting an error message, I'll try again later. PPS got it uploaded
  6. Thanks but there are lots of people that are way better than me. tommost
  7. @genek Nice! Saves me the trouble, I don't think I could improve on that effort! tommost
  8. So I straightened this out and fixed most of the blemishes... the "EE" in "GUARANTEE" was difficult. The jpg is 1650 by 2775 pixels so at 300 dpi it will be 5.5 by 9.25.
  9. This looks really good... the only thing I would point out is that "can-not" is split between the second and third lines on the original.
  10. Hmmm... not sure why the AR logo background is shaded. It wasn't in publisher.
  11. The only problem would be getting the yellowed background consistent. tommost
  12. Here's a partial of the "new" label, do you guys like this better? tommost Guarantee card new.pdf
  13. So I made a first cut at repairing the label, see attached. It still needs a lot of work. The background is pretty challenging. One of the issues when doing something like this is defining what success looks like. I was considering just making a new one, the hard part will be the AR logo. I have a 5 hour plane flight coming up, maybe this will be a good challenge to pass the time. Thanks again.
  14. JKent excellent thanks! If you give me the dimensions I can print out a copy. Also if you include the warranty card maybe I can help make it look a bit better, I'm *OK* with image manipulation. tommost edit dang it says "no attempt should be made to open cabinet or remove speakers..." guess I'm in trouble LOL.
  15. I was given a pair of 2axs I'm restoring, neither of them has the cards glued on the back. Has anyone tried to duplicate them? Thanks in advance, tommost
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