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  1. Hi Luigi & Kent, I'm not 100% sure but I don't believe the caps have been renewed. The speakers came with receipts of repairs and apart from reforming and rekoning I don't believe they've had any work done. I'm not adept at soldering or anything beyond IKEA DIY, so I'm reluctant to dig into them myself. There is someone in the neighbourhood who is an experienced speaker restorer who already did a fab job on reforming my previous AR92s (which I traded in for these) whom I could ask. Still, the key question is: should I leave them as is - they sound just great - or do this essential maintenance before something breaks down and I kill my tweeters. Any tips much appreciated! Cheers, jasper best, j
  2. Hi Luigi, I'd be happy to - as long as I don't have to take anything apart. Not too comfortable with messing with these beauties. Where can I find these dates? best, j
  3. Phew! This means a lot. The sound is awesome, but to know I've got the genuine article is fabulous. Thanks!
  4. Hope this works: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwjNgbnEmlG2cnhNMmxaNVZqMFlGS2M2S3dZeGlvdjdtb3Bz https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwjNgbnEmlG2eUg3QnY4a1E0OE03SmFpQzZmOXNsYWFiRzgw https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwjNgbnEmlG2V081ZzFRemZlR0l0QW52bjhjN1lPRmFiTVNV https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwjNgbnEmlG2aV9IdE5zektrdzNOZlk2cTliYWZjZENjN19z
  5. Hi Luigi, For some reason I'm unable to upload photos. I've tried all methods available. I could mail them to you if you can share your email address. Cheers, Jasper
  6. Hi all, I've bought a pair of AR 10pi which I believed to be genuine, but now I'm having some severe doubts. - The logos are copper/brass, like on the first series. - There is no AR sticker on the speaker front or back - On the inside of the lid there is a little shield that says AR 10pi and a serial number, plus, in the center, a small circular metal logo that reads "Varec Milano". - I've read posts about Italian replicas but they're from different firms, not Varec. Any tips on how to determine whether these are genuine or not are greatly welcomed. Jasper
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